Doug Cameron
Doug Cameron
Founding member of NDSAG
6 Videos
  • About Doug

    Doug Cameron is a psychiatrist, a Glasgow graduate in medicine who undertook his postgraduate training at the Crichton Royal, Dumfries where he and Mary Spence ran the first outpatient controlled drinking group in Britain.
    He was appointed Consultant Psychiatrist with special interest in alcohol problems in Leicestershire in 1976, where he developed the first comprehensive tiered multiagency multidisciplinary community alcohol service, which provided for a population of just under one million. An account of the ideology, structure and efficacy of that service is described in his book “Liberating Solutions to Alcohol Problems, treating problem drinkers without saying no” (1995).
    In 1991 he was appointed Senior Lecturer in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Leicester, which post he held until his retirement in 2001.
    He has lectured and written widely about alcohol use and misuse. He has always had a particular interest in the nature and purpose of intoxication.
    He was associate editor of Addiction Research and Theory from its foundation until his retirement.
    He was a founding member of the New Directions in the Study of Alcohol Group and has the dubious distinction of being the only person who has attended every one of its annual conferences.

Lifeline Project & FEAD Read more

Welcome to Lifeline and FEAD (Film Exchange on Alcohol and Drugs). This project has been shaped by the wealth of experience, openness, and knowledge of the contributors. You are invited to comment on the clips, which are supported by footnotes to which you can add. FEAD is an ongoing Lifeline Project initiative.

Lifeline Project: In 1971 the Lifeline Project opened a day centre for drug users in Manchester. Since its foundation Lifeline has grown and developed, and now works in a diverse range of settings across the UK. Our purpose is to relieve poverty, sickness and distress among those persons affected by addiction to drugs of any kind, and to educate the public on matters relating to drug misuse.