Voice Audio Bank

Voice Audio Bank is brought to you by people with experience of alcohol and drugs problems, volunteers, and Lifeline Project.

Many interviews were designed and conducted by people with direct experience of drug or alcohol problems. Open door sessions across different regions gave people with experience an opportunity to speak freely about their views, as well as their own story. The peer sessions made sure people felt comfortable, and felt free to say what they wanted. Other contributors describe below what Voice is about for them.

Lifeline Project & FEAD Read more

Welcome to Lifeline and FEAD (Film Exchange on Alcohol and Drugs). This project has been shaped by the wealth of experience, openness, and knowledge of the contributors. You are invited to comment on the clips, which are supported by footnotes to which you can add. FEAD is an ongoing Lifeline Project initiative.

Lifeline Project: In 1971 the Lifeline Project opened a day centre for drug users in Manchester. Since its foundation Lifeline has grown and developed, and now works in a diverse range of settings across the UK. Our purpose is to relieve poverty, sickness and distress among those persons affected by addiction to drugs of any kind, and to educate the public on matters relating to drug misuse.